Dr. Helen Orr, Assistant Professor of Religious Studies
Contact Hours:
12 hours (1.2 CEUs)
Self-paced, 12 hours

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Course Description

In a world where workplaces are more culturally and religiously diverse than ever, understanding faith perspectives isn’t just a skill—it’s a necessity. The Multifaith Literacies for Professional Environments Certification is designed to give you the tools to approach religious diversity in the workplace with confidence and respect. This course goes beyond theory, offering real-world applications that foster inclusivity, enhance communication, and drive collaboration across cultural and spiritual lines.  Whether you work with clients, colleagues, or communities, this course will help you become a more empathetic and effective professional.

Course Outline

  • Module 1: Introduction to Multifaith Literacy
  • Module 2: Considering Religious Practice: Food and Diet: Learners will learn the significance of religious dietary needs and design a multifaith meal plan for their workplace.
  • Module 3: Considering Religious Practice: Dress and Attire: Learners will learn about the significance of religious practice through an exploration of religious dress and attire, as well as the importance of honoring these traditions from an HR perspective.
  • Module 4: The Workplace Calendar: From Daily Rituals to Holidays: Learn how creating a religious holidays calendar for employees or creating a multifaith and wellness room can become essential tools for promoting inclusion in the workplace.
  • Module 5: Religious Conflict in the Workplace:  Consider common, real-world scenarios involving religion that can arise within professional contexts and brainstorm productive solutions.
  • Module 6: Dismantling Religious Stereotypes:  Learners are given the opportunity to personally reflect on the power of confronting religious bias and take our low-key and informative “Did you know?” style quiz aimed at dismantling common religious stereotypes.
  • Module 7: Capstone Module: Applying Multifaith Literacy to your own Professional Environment:  Learners will apply the skills they’ve learned in the course to a multifaith plan that is tailored to their customized, professional working environments.

Learning Outcomes

  • Demonstrate an understanding of the diverse religious beliefs and practices of colleagues and clients, and how they impact the workplace.
  • Enhance communication and collaboration skills with colleagues and clients of diverse religious backgrounds, to promote innovation, teamwork, and productivity.
  • Develop an understanding of the significance of different religious calendars and daily rhythms to better accommodate colleagues and clients from diverse backgrounds, fostering a more inclusive and respectful professional environment.
  • Gain knowledge about the role of food, dress, and lifestyle choices in various religious traditions to ensure sensitivity and awareness when organizing events or interacting with people from different backgrounds, promoting a harmonious and diverse workplace.
  • Consider how multifaith literacy can enhance cultural competence and sensitivity, and help to build stronger relationships with clients and customers of diverse religious backgrounds.
  • Identify personal biases and stereotypes related to religion, and develop strategies to overcome them and promote a more tolerant and accepting workplace.
  • Foster a more inclusive and welcoming workplace culture that values and respects all individuals, regardless of their religious affiliation.
  • Explore resources and tools to continue learning and growing in multifaith literacy beyond the training certificate, and develop a plan for ongoing learning and growth in one’s continuing professional environments.

Instructor Information

Adjunct Assistant Professor Physician Assistant Program
Dr Zimmerman graduated from Russell Sage College with a BS in PT in 1991 and from Shenandoah University with a DPT in 2009.  Board Certified in Orthopedic PT since 2022, Dr Zimmerman has worked in numerous settings for over 30 years including orthopedic outpatient, sports medicine with UNCW and NCSU, neurologic rehabilitation, home health care, and inpatient acute care.  Dr. Zimmerman previously taught for Duke PA Program/Human Gross Anatomy Dissection Lab. She currently teaches with Elon University's DPT program (since 2013) as well as Physician Assistant Studies (since 2020).  She adjuncts with Elon DPT Orthopedic Examination of the Spine, Upper Extremity, and Lower Extremity since 2018.  She has practiced trigger point dry needling since 2016 and has taught dry needling with Double E since 2019.  Currently, Dr. Zimmerman practices PT as co-owner of Elon Physical Therapy in Hillsborough, NC.

Dr. Helen Orr
Assistant Professor of Religious Studies

Dr. Helen Orr is a professor of Religious Studies with a focus on the intersections of religion and culture.  Her research spans diverse topics, from post-war social recovery in interreligious Bosnia to current projects that explore the vital connections between faith and health in patient care for medical professionals.  Dr. Orr is also at the forefront of examining how religion interacts with algorithmic bias and artificial intelligence. She lives in North Carolina with her partner, daughter, and two adorable cockapoos.
